The International Crisis Response Association is
a network dedicated to civilian-Led, Community crisis response services.

Who We Are
We are a service providers network connecting individuals across Canada and the United States who are building or leading non-police community responder models in their region, as well as researchers and policy-makers doing work in this area. Our members include researchers, policy-makers, city employees, community advocates, social service workers, people developing or leading non-police community responder models, and people with an interest in non-police crisis response.
Our History
Our network was unofficially founded in 2019 when seven cities came together on an informal basis to share resources and advice about the crisis teams our communities were developing. The International Crisis Response Association (ICRA) as it's known today was formalized in early 2021, when we introduced monthly Zoom calls and a rapidly expanding list of members. Today, ICRA has over 210 members, representing dozens of cities across Canada and the United States.
Our Mission
To generate data and share information about these community responder models, as well as to connect individuals across Canada and the United States who are researching, building, or leading community responder models in their communities.

Rachel Bromberg (she/her)
Is the Executive Director of the International Crisis Response Association.

Roshan Bliss (he/him)
Is the Coordinator of the International Crisis Response Association.
We Host Monthly Zoom Meetings
As a community of practice, we provide opportunities for people doing this work to learn and get support from others who have already been there.
Our meetings include presentations, breakout rooms, and opportunities to ask questions and share concerns and experiences. Members learn about the newest research on community responder models, share updates from their cities, and receive advice and support from their colleagues.

We Are a Repository of Expertise, Resources and Information
We manage a resource database, and share information about new events, resources, publications, and evaluations. We offer mentorship and cross-collaboration. We also provide consulting services and support to organizations or municipalities that are seeking to develop community responder models in their communities.
We are a repository of resources, information, and friendly colleagues. If you’re building or leading a community responder model in your community, we’re happy to share what we know, help you get started, and point you in the right direction.